• Cârmuitori și politică

    EN Ancient kingdom of DACIA = Wallachia, Moldavia, Transylvania, and Temesvar — finally conquered by Romans P. 261 600. After abdication of Sigismund of Transylvania, this principality became tributary to Emperor Rodolphus who appointed Michael VOIVODE. Transylvanians revolted & wished to recall Sigismund but were defeated by Austrians and whole province subjugated P. 321 695.
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  • 19 secole peste Dacia

    EN Wallachs descendants of Dacians & Saxons Century 1 2 376–433 — 431–451 Attila 441 Huns ravage East 3 Huns came under Attila — Szekelys claim to be their descendants 4 Magyars were called Ugrogs — 376 AD— Huns drove out Goths 5 Avars — Northern race —<Magyars came under Arpad> 6 543 — Huns
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  • Cuvinte în maghiară

    EN “PAPRIKA HENDL” “szégény légény” = “Poor lads” = robbers Fogado = inn South east <xxx> of Northern Carpathians are Rusniaks or Ruthenians “Where the Turk treads no grass grows.” “Blats”— swamp or marsh Grasses 8 or 10 feet high near L. Balaton MAGYAR is pronounced MAD-YAR P. 45 Max Muller traces Magyars to Ural
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  • Despre vinurile din Carpați

    EN P. 110 Grey moss in abundant festoons from fir trees — weird and solemn 120 golden Mediasch, one of the best Transylvanian wines produces an agreeable pricking on tongue — called by Germans “tschirpsen” 141 Maize variously cooked — water melons — paprika hendl and “gulyas” (sort of Irish stew) 141 Czigany = gypsies.
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  • Mâncare și transport în Carpați

    EN P. 7 Houses (Hungarian) Separate. Blank gable to road. P. 5 Horses four abreast and small P. 8 SLIVOVITZ = plum brandy P. 84 ”Robber steak” bits of beef bacon and onion strung on stick, sea soned with paprika and salt, and roasted over a fire; lower end of stick being rolled backwards and
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  • Note pentru capitolul III

    EN Book I Chapter 3 Jonathan Harker’s <Diary> Journal (Continued) The journey to Bistritz <with> stop at hotel. Name known. They sent on telegram. When hear destination all very sad & mysterious. Some strange gifts (see XIX Century) At Borgo Pass. <arrive> left by diligence — alone — solitude — comfort (?) of driver —
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  • Personajele cărții

    EN Count Dracula ... Dracula Historiae Personae Doctor of madhouse  Seward Girl engaged to him  Lucy Westenra schoolfellow of Miss Murray Mad patient— theory of getting life — instinctively goes for Count & follows up idea with mad cunning Lawyer <Abraham Aaronson>  <Arthur Abbott> <John> Peter Hawkins Exeter His clerk ___ Jonathan Harker Fiancée of
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